Nirmal Raj Joshi, Email:, +81-080-9870-1360, Japan.


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Over 15 years of experience in inception, desk study, design, and implementation of hydro power projects ranging from few kilowatts to hundreds of megawatts in Nepal, Laos, Kenya, Afganistan, and Pakistan.

Working experience with international clients including Kenyan, Pakistani, Afghans, Swiss and Kiwis.


Currently Section Manager (Technical) at Chodai Co. Ltd. (Japan)


  • Preparation of feasibility reports/ Design reports/Desk study of project,
  • Structural analysis, design and detailing of civil structures (specialty: hydropower components),
  • Concrete Technology
  • Hydrological and Hydraulic analysis,
  • Drafting in AutoCAD,
  • Quantity estimates and cost analysis,
  • Site survey and Construction Inspections ,
  • Engineering management and scheduling




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Phone No: +977-9849494727 (Nepal)/ +81-080-9870-1360(Japan)



  • Registered Engineer - Nepal Engineering Council ( Reg. No. 5342 “Civil”) (verify)
  • Registered Member - Nepal Engineering Association ( Reg. No. 10022)
  • Registered Member- Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Reg. No. 201400085)



October 2021- November 2024
Hydropower Engineer at GPSS Engineering (Japan)
Responsibility: Site identification, design and cost estimates for projects in various regions of Japan. About 300 sites were inspected, about 30 were found suitable for developement and are under design and permit acquisition process.


July 2016- September 2018
Manager of Engineering at Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal)
Responsibility: Responsible for managing technical human resource, assign task and keep track of all ongoing projects. Also involved as design leader for various engineering projects. Fully responsible for setting up and running first branch office from April 2018.


July 2015- July 2016
Ast. Manager at Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal)
Responsibility: Responsible for managing technical human resource, assign task and keep track of all ongoing projects. Also involved as design leader for various engineering projects


May 2015- June 2015
Senior Civil Engineer Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal)
Responsibility: Responsible for design checking and preparation of technical documents


April 2013- March 2015
Graduate Student at Structural Material Laboratory at Saitama University
Carried out research on shrinkage mechanism of cementitious materials under supervision of Dr. Asamoto Shingo (Asoct. Prof.).

March 2008 – April 2013
Project Engineer at Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal)
Responsibility: Study, design and construction of civil engineering components of hydropower projects including headworks, powerhouse, transmission line, etc


Projects in Nepal

Project Engineer of Likhu Khola A Hydropower Project (28MW)
Client: Numbur Himal Hydropower (P.) Limited (Nepal)
Responsible for project development, structural design, detail drafting, tender document preparation and construction drawing preparation. The major responsibility assigned was to design civil structures and coordinate with electrical and hydro-mechanical engineers for detailed design of the project. The financial closer of the project has been completed and the project will go in construction in 2017. (web: Details of the project).


Design Team member of Mai Hydropower Project (22MW)
Client: Sanima Mai Hydropower (P.) Limited (Nepal)
Responsible for structural design, detail drafting, bill verification and inspection of construction site of the project. The major responsibility assigned was to design hydraulic structures of headworks like flood wall, intake, settling basin, gravel trap, undersluice, hydraulic gates etc and powerhouse and make drawings accordingly.The project is under operation since September 2014. (web:


Design Team member of Middle Trishuli Hydropower Project (55 MW)
Client: Perfect Energy Development (P.) Limited. (Nepal)
Responsible for structural and hydraulic design of headworks and waterways, drafting and inspection of the project site. This project is under consideration for detail design.

Site surveying in Middle Trishuli during feasibility study


Design of Hydraulic Modelling structures for Mai Hydropower project
Client: Sanima Mai Hydropower (P.) Limited (Nepal
Responsible for structural analysis, design, drafting and estimate of structures related to hydraulic modelling.


Design Team member of Junbesi Khola Hydropower Project (5.2MW)
Client: Dovan Hydropower (P.) Limited (Nepal)
Responsible for hydrology analysis and structural analysis, design and drawing preparation of waterways alignment (headrace pipe and steel penstock) penstock and headrace pipe. The project is negotiating with government for transmission line.


Design Team member of Ghami Mini Hydropower Project (320 KW)
Client: National Trust for Nature Conservation /ACAP (Nepal)
North Engineering Co. P. Ltd in association with Sanima Hydro and Engineering P. Ltd. worked for hydrological analysis, structural analysis, design and drawing preparation of the project. The project is seeking fund for construction.


Design Team member of Bhairabkunda Khola Hydropower Project (3 MW)
Client: Nikhil Jalashakti (P.) Limited(Nepal)
Responsible for feasibility study of the project. Hydrological calculation, structural analysis and sizing of headwork structures were carried out during the study. This project is under operation since 2013.


Design Team member of Thotane Khola Small Hydropower Project (740 KW)
Client: Dovan Hydropower (P.) Limited (Nepal)
Responsible for design, drafting and estimate of headworks and waterway alignment for feasibility study. This project is under consideration from client for detail design.

Projects in Kenya

Design leader of Kipsonea Small Hydropower Project (5MW)
Client: Graeme Watson Associates, Nairobi (Kenya)
Responsible for field visit, project layout and inception report preparation. The project is under optimization study. Once the optimization is completed, drafting, estimate and contract document will be prepared for the project.
Field survey for feasibility study of hydropower project in Kipsonea


Design Team member of North Mathiyoa Hydropower Project (3 MW-5MW)
Client: Graeme Watson Associates, Nairobi, Kenya
Responsible for field visit, project layout and inception report preparation. The project is under optimization study. Once the optimization is completed, drafting, estimate and contract document will be prepared for the project.

Site inspection team

Projects in Laos

Design leader of Don-Xom Micro hydro Project (40kW)
Client: Client: Grenzone Co. (Thailand)
Responsible for field visit and project layout at the site. After site visit, hydraulic and hydrological analysis were done followed by structural design, detail drafting, estimation and preparation of specification of the project. The project is under operation since 2013.
Don Xom Micro hydro at Laos PDR. From design to completion of construction.

Projects in Afghanistan

Design Team member of Khanabad Hydropower Station
Client: Integration Environment and Energy (Afghanistan)
Responsible for structural analysis, reinforcement design and drafting of powerhouse.
Khanabad power station was destroyed during war. Restoration work was done during design.


Design Team member of Topchi Small Hydropower Project (1MW)
Client: INGO (Afghanistan)
Responsible for structural design of headworks and waterway structures. This project was revised to produce 500 KW and is under redesign phase.

Projects in Pakistan

Design review of Machai Hydropower Project(2.6MW)
Client: Sarhad Hydel Development Organization, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(Pakistan)
Responsible for review of design and specification of the project in Machai Canal.
The project utilizes a fall (drop) in irrigation canal to produce energy. It is a low head-high discharge project.


Design review of Ranolia Hydropower Project
Client: Sarhad Hydel Development Organization, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(Pakistan)
Responsible for review of design and calculations of the project at feasibility stage.


Projects in Japan

Design review of Sugawa Hydropower Project(0.19 MW)
Client:GPSS Engineering Japan
Responsible for design and specification of the project.
More information at :




Bill verification and inspection of construction site in behalf of lending Banks
* Lower Modi-1 Hydropower Project (10MW) for Citizens Bank Pvt. Ltd. The project has commenced and is under operation since 2013.

* Siprin Khola Hydropower Project (9.6 MW) for Sanima Bikas Bank Pvt. Ltd. The project has been completed in 2012.

*Bhairabkunda Khola Hydropower Project (3MW) for Sanima Bikas Bank Pvt. Ltd. This project has been completed in 2013.
Bhairabkunda Project under construction in 2012


Responsible for preparation of course material and teaching for staffs of Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. to use structural analysis software Staad.Pro 2006. Similarly, training provided to students at private institute to use the software.

Sediment Sampling
Training provided to the staffs of Upper Tamor Hydropower Project, Lower Likhu Hydropower Project and Mai Hydropower Project for sediment sampling (PSD and Swidish Hand Held Sampler).
Training provided to local staff for sediment sampling in Mai and Tamor River during flood


Field hydrology study
*Field installation of hydrological and metrological stations for Upper Tamor Hydropower Project (415 MW) – Taplejung : Responsible for site selection and installation of manual and automatic gage station and metrological station (automatic rain gauge and temperature recorder) along the catchment of Tamor river (Tapethowk, Sekathum, Gyabla and Ghunsa with a Swiss consultant.
Feild installation of hydrological and metrological equipments in Tamor River's catchment area



PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2018-Ongoing, specialization: Numerical analysis of deteriorated structures)
Saitama University, Japan

Masters in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2013-2015,specialization: Structural Material)
Saitama University, Japan

•Bachelor in Civil Engineering, (2003-2007), Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering (IOE)
Tribhuwan University, Nepal

•High School (10+2) (2001-2003), Science (Mathematics)
New Horizon Higher Secondary School, Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), Nepal

•School Leaving Certificate (SLC) (2001)
New Horizon English Boarding School, Nepal


Also as part of life long study


Two weeks short course on Hydropower Water Conduit Design (2018)
Institute of Water Education, IHE-Delft, The Netherlands


•Honor code for Forests and Livelihoods in Developing Countries (2015)
The University of British Columbia [acknowledgement]


•Honor code for Energy Subsidy Reform (2014)
International Monetary Fund [acknowledgement]

•Honor code for Introduction to Linux (2014)
The Linux Foundation [acknowledgement]

•Honor code for Visualizing Japan (1850s-1930s): Westernization,Protest, Modernity (2014)
Combined course from Harvard University and MIT [acknowledgement]

•Honor code for The Challenges of Global Poverty (2014)
MIT [acknowledgement]



•Honor code for Introduction to Computer Science I (2012)
School of engineering and applied science, Harvard University [acknowledgement]


  • Monbukagakusho Scholarship by Japanese Government (MEXT) to study PhD (2018)
  • Fellowship from the Orange Knowledge Programme, formerly known as NFP, by the Netherlands Government (2017)
  • Excellent master's Thesis Award (Saitama University-2015)
  • Asian Development Bank Scholarship Award to study of Masters degree in Japan (2013)
  • Nepal Government Scholarship Award to study Bachelor of Engineering(2003)



  • Windows/Linux
  • Finite Element Programming for structural analysis of civil engineering structures.
  • Structural analysis and design software: SAP , STADD, Diana.
  • Automation of AutoCAD (drafting) and Spreadsheets using VBA
  • Utility software: HEC-RAS, EPANET (used for hydraulic); GIS Basic.
  • Desktop Programming: FORTRAN, VBA, VBS, JAVA, C#
  • Microsoft Office package: Excel, Word, MS Project etc.



  • English (Speaking=Advanced; Writing=Advanced; Reading=Advanced)
  • नेपाली [Nepali] (Speaking=Native; Writing=Advanced; Reading=Advanced)
  • हिन्दी [Hindi or Indian ] (Speaking=Good; Writing=Good; Reading=Good)
  • 日本語 [Japanese] (Speaking=Elementary; Writing=Elementary; Reading=Elementary)


*Ast. Prof. Asamoto Shingo (Structural Material Laboratory, Saitama University)
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*Mr. Ajoy Karki (MD, Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd.)
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